Category: iOS

  • Quick Link: iOS Device Network Sniffing



    Any time I need to see everything your iOS device is doing this website lists the commands you need to call to get it working: Of course secure communications are still encrypted but you do see that something is happening, and you get all protocols (not just http/https like charles).

  • Will upgrading SQLite speed your app up?



    I saw the latest article by Eric Sink explaining the issues that he was having with multiple copies of SQLite running. His article mentioned that iOS is running 3.7.13 and the current version of SQLite is and along with a bunch of other improvements it is ‘significantly faster’. Well sign me up, perfect for…

  • Receieve updates from a Red Bear Labs Bluetooth LE Device

    In the previous two posts (Connecting to Red Bear Labs Shield with Core Bluetooth & Getting going with iOS and Arduino using Bluetooth LE) I sent data to the Bluetooth LE shield on an Arduino, turning lights on and off. In this post I will look at receiving information from the Arduino and Red Bear…

  • Connecting to Red Bear Labs Shield with Core Bluetooth

    In the last post I had an iOS device connected to a Red Bear Labs Bluetooth LE Arduino shield. In that process I used the BLE framework from Red Bear Labs, which got everything going but a fair bit of device control code to end up in the UIViewController. In this example I will take…

  • Getting going with iOS and Arduino using Bluetooth LE

    Apple has included the ability to communicate via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) in recent iOS devices, including iPad 3 & 4, iPhone 4S & 5 and the 5th Gen iPod Touch. There is an increasing array of devices with which you can communicate (such as the TI Sensory Tag), but in this post I will…