Photos of Dad’s Boat ‘The Toad’

While I have put a number of photos of rebuilding and repairing Dad’s boat, I haven’t put any photos up of the finished boat. Unfortunately it would probably have been better to take these photos before breaking the mast and punching a hole in the deck.

Back of Dad's Boat

I took a liberty with name of the boat. Dad originally had called it ‘Prince Toad’, with a view of naming his next boat ‘King Toad’ or some such. I simplified on just ‘The Toad’.

Photo showing the side and sail
Toad Logo

The toad logo was from Dad’s business. I vectorised the logo and the guys from Graphic Effects made the logo. They did the work on the back of the boat as well.


The cockpit was painted due to the amount of damage that had been sustained over the years, plus the new foam floor, didn’t lend itself well to varnish.

Boat from the bow

The signage and logo on the sail were done by Dad.


One response to “Photos of Dad’s Boat ‘The Toad’”

  1. Nice work, Luke. Although the boat looks a lot smaller in pictures, it is still sail worthy, right? Good to see you have kept up your interest in sailing. At least the digital compass will come in really handy on the new iPhone 3GS. 🙂

    Looking forward to catching up in person on Tuesday at Joe’s Garage for Melbourne Cocoa Heads’ meetup.

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